01. Windows Live Drive (codename: Storage) Offering online storage to users
02. Windows Live Contacts Part of a bigger picture, link goes to Live Mail but will integrate your contacts in Mail and Spaces together.
03. Windows Live.com (originally: Start.com) The new web portal for Windows Live - the homepage if you will.
04. Windows Live Web Search The new MSN Search, with added features for searching for news, images, academia and feeds.
http://search.live.com - http://www.live.com/?stickyHide=on
05. Windows Live Messenger The rebranded MSN Messenger with integration with Live Spaces, interoperability with Yahoo! as well as free VoIP and video calls.
06. Windows Live Ideas The central site reporting on what's new, what's coming and what's already out - just had a facelift on the site as well.
07. Windows Live Mail (codename: Kahuna) The rebranded MSN Hotmail - better interface, easier to browse contacts, and no page refreshing as well as advanced spam protection.
08. Windows Live Favourites (codename: Roaming Favourites) Enabling you to access your favourites from anywhere in the world using this simple web interface - gadget for Live Spaces too.
(US) http://favorites.live.com - (UK) http://favourites.live.com
09. Windows Live Expo (codename: Fremont) New competitor with eBay - buy, swap and sell products and without any costs to the users at all.
10. Windows Live Labs The brainy guys workying on new products and advanced technologies to make Live products better.
11. Windows Live OneCare (previously: OneCare Live) The one stop place for computer protection, anti-virus and advanced firewall.
Subscription service - 90 day trial available for free http://onecare.live.com - www.windowsonecare.com
12. Windows Live Local (previously: Virtual Earth) An advanced mapping system with satellite coverage, road maps, soon to have driving directions and route planner, with Birds Eye™ imagery
13. Windows Live OneCare Safety Scanner (codename: Safety Center) Online scanning facility for checking your computer for viruses and cleaning up unnecessary files.
14. Windows Live Custom Domains Allowing you to have your own domain name to use with Windows Live, Mail and Messenger.
15. Windows Live Call Allowing you to call overseas and landlines for very cheap rates
Feature embedded in Windows Live Messenger http://messenger.live.com
16. Windows Live Call for Free (codenamed: FreeCall) Enables you to call businesses for free after searching for them in Live Local.
Feature embedded in Windows Live Local http://local.live.com
17. Windows Live Search The free desktop application allowing you to search files on your computer, the web, Messenger sharing folders and your Live Drive.
No URL yet - keep an eye out on Windows Live Ideas
18. Windows Live Search Desktop (codename OneView) Part of Windows Live Search (there's a lot of desktop/search/toolbars, we're all a bit confused but they're all set in stone)
No URL yet - keep an eye out on Windows Live Ideas
19. Windows Live Search Translation Allowing you to search using Live Web Search but translate pages and/or text
20. Windows Live Local Preview Imagery of San Francisco and Seattle, allowing you to navigate the map with a variety of views at street level.
21. Windows Live Toolbar A toolbar which adds itself to Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer, allowing access to your Space, Live Mail, and Live Favourites and search everywhere you go.
22. Windows Desktop Search Part of Windows Live Search (there's a lot of desktop/search/toolbars, we're all a bit confused but they're all set in stone)
No URL yet - keep an eye out on Windows Live Ideas
23. Windows Live Mail Center (previously: Mail Desktop/Outlook Express Live) Enabling you to see your Live Mail, other POP3 and IMAP folders as well as RSS feeds and other email addresses and contacts on your desktop.
No website yet, download only http://g.msn.com/1csbeta/OELive
24. Windows Live ID The new and improved MSN Passport - working seamlessly with Live services and allowing multiple sign-ins with different accounts.
http://login.live.com - http://account.live.com
25. Windows Live Writer Enabling you to write, post and modify blog entries in real time with loads of customisable options like adding pictures and Live Local maps embedded into your entries.
Download directly from Microsoft
26. Windows Live Essentials (previously Windows Live Now) The Google Pack equivilant - allowing you to customise and install all the available Live services straight away
No URL yet - keep an eye out on Windows Live Ideas
27. Windows Live Account The central point to change, modify and create new Live ID's and settings.
28. Windows Live Clipboard Enabling you to cut, copy and paste information from one website server to another ideal for moving calendar or contact entries between accounts.
No URL yet, but check out the non-Microsoft site www.liveclipboard.org
29. Windows Live Marketplace (codename: Agora) The new Marketplace enabling you to buy and download software straight to your Vista machine.
30. Windows Live Shopping Competitor to Amazon.com - lets you browse and buy software at your own time, pace and leisure
31. Windows Live QnA (codename: Answers) Ask questions, get answers, vote on answers and earn kudos points which earn you special rewards.
32. Windows Live Spaces (codename: Spaces 10.5) The world's biggest social networking site, letting you blog, add photo's, customise content and add gadgets.
33. Windows Live Academic Search Allows you to search the web for academia - books and journals from different authors and relevance.
Academic tab on http://search.live.com
34. Windows Live Image Search Enables you to search the web for specific images, of different sizes and preview panes.
Image tab on http://search.live.com
35. Windows Live Product Search Enables you to search the web for products to buy using Windows Live Search.
36. Windows Live Voicemail A new feature for Live Mail and Messenger for leaving voice messages for other people for when they are unavailable.
No URL yet - keep an eye out on Windows Live Ideas
37. Windows Live Sign-In Assistant The easier way to signin and out of Windows Live using a simpler interface and advanced security.
http://login.live.com - http://account.live.com
38. Windows Live Wifi Suite Downloadable software for easy access to wireless networks on your laptop or mobile device.
39. Windows Live Hotspot Locator Web interface allowing you to search hundreds of thousands of free or paid wireless hotspot locations in over 90 countries.
40. Windows Live Dev The development center and supplier of software developmnet kits for Windows Live developers.
41. Windows Live Gallery (codename: Customise) The central place to browse, submit or apply gadgets to Live.com or to Windows Live Spaces.
42. Windows Live Mobile Live for mobile devices - accessible on a mobile device and able to see your customisable Windows Live.com
Mobile devices only Will eventually migrate fully to http://mobile.live.com
43. Windows Live Mobile Mail The revamped MSN Hotmail for Mobile but brought to a mobile device.
Mobile devices only http://mobile.live.com
44. Windows Live Mobile Search The revamped MSN Search for Mobile but brought to a mobile device - mobile compatibility integrated.
Mobile devices only http://mobile.live.com
45. Windows Live Publishing Portal The new way to buy books - searching millions of books and able to buy them online using an online preview pane.
46. Windows Live Feeds A dedicated team to help aggregate information around the Internet - just how RSS is part of Mail Center.
No URL yet - keep an eye out on Windows Live Ideas
47. Windows Live Dashboard Part of Essentials but lets you see what you have installed, what's on offer and other links for support.
No URL yet - keep an eye out on Windows Live Ideas
Note 1: MSN Soapbox (codename "Warhol") is an MSN service and not a Windows Live service.
Note 2: Some haven't made the list because they're not exactly services - Windows Live Help for example and SDK's aren't really services. Also, some "services" merged into the larger umbrella service, such as Windows Live Near Me Search was absorbed by Windows Live Local.
Note 3: Xbox Live and Office Live aren't actually Windows Live products, so they're excluded from the list. They're different teams, different way of thinking and they just generally don't have anything to do with Windows Live.
来源:msblog.org 都是英文看不懂?呵呵,看看月光整理出来的:Windows Live的主要服务列表。